Reasons To Give Your Shed a Makeover This Year

Sheds are small structured units that homeowners typically use for storage. Over time, sheds can experience damage, fade in color, and lose their visual appeal. If you own a shed that is at least ten years old, giving it a makeover soon can be beneficial. Continue reading below to learn why you should give your […]

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How To Maintain Your Home’s Exterior This Spring

With Spring finally here, there are a handful of things homeowners should do to keep the exterior of their homes looking as good as possible. Proper maintenance of your home exterior can also save you from costly repairs down the line. Here are five exterior home-related items homeowners should take care of as soon as […]

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Preparing Your Roof For Winter

With winter just around the corner in Massachusetts, now is the time for homeowners to prepare their homes for the cold months ahead and ensure that their homes are prepared to handle the snow & ice. One of the most important aspects of your home to examine and maintain is your roof. Considering how important […]

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Benefits of Replacing Your Home’s Roof

Your home’s roof is the single most important piece of your home’s exterior. It helps keep your home protected from the elements, provides your home with curb appeal & also provides important insulation. With so much to gain from having well maintained and installed roofing, it is important to ensure that yours is kept in […]

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Benefits of Having a Professional Roof Inspection to Assess Storm Damage

At some point or another, almost every homeowner experiences roof damage from a storm. No matter where you live, you probably deal with inclement weather of some kind. The Northeast, for instance, has Nor’easters in the winter, while the Southeast often deals with hurricanes in the summertime, and the Midwest gets hit with all sorts […]

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What Type of Shingle is Best for your Roof?

With the proper planning and consideration, figuring out what type of shingle is best for your home’s roof can be a simple decision. There are many things to carefully consider when choosing what type of shingles work best for your home. The correct answer varies from roof to roof because each type of shingle provides […]

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3 Ways to Keep Your Roof from Leaking

While damage to a roof cannot always be stopped, there are ways homeowners can reduce the likelihood of destruction. Small roof leaks can become catastrophic very quickly, resulting in rotting wood and the buildup of mildew and mold in the interior of the home. Leaks will not always be obvious, which is why homeowners need […]

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How to Avoid Costly Roof Repairs

While this New England winter has been relatively mild compared to past years, homeowners should still take notice and deal with any potential roofing issues before they become catastrophic. Winter is often the hardest season on residential and commercial roofs, due to months of snow buildup and possible water damage when the snow finally melts. […]

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4 Signs Your Home Needs a New Roof

Your roof will send warning signals that its time is coming to an end, and these signs should not be ignored. If you do not pay proper attention to your roof, it could end up costing you down the line. Knowing what to look for before disaster strikes is an essential part of New England […]

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How to Prepare your Roof & Gutters for Winter

Roof & Gutters We know for past years that Boston winters can be extremely severe and result in serious damage to your home. It’s important that before winter really hits to inspect your home which includes your roof, gutters, and attics to make sure they in the best condition. Check out some tips to do […]

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